- Confirm OS version is Ubuntu 16.04 using command lsb_release –a
- Update all the software packages repository list and upgrade packages on the existing system using the below command. It's recommended to reboot the system after all updates are applied.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
- Install the Ubuntu Update Manager using the below command.
sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
- Make sure the Prompt line in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to 'lts' if you only want LTS upgrades.
- Upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04. To begin this process run the following command:
sudo do-release-upgrade
- Before making any changes the above command will first verify whether the system is ready to update or not. The user will get prompted with information about the upgrade. Press Y to continue.
- After you enter the upgrade command, you will be asked to confirm that you want to update via SSH. Type Y to continue.
- The up-gradation process will take some time. During the up-gradation process, you may receive a prompt that will require your input. Kindly select a suitable option for you. You will have to select whether you want to install the new version of the file and overwrite the changes, keep the currently installed version, or merge the files.
- During the upgrade, it will ask to remove obsolete software Press Y to continue.
- After completion of the upgrade process, a system restart will be required.
- Post restart you may verify the Ubuntu version using lsb_release –a.