Now you never miss to read important E-mail. You
don’t have to require Sign In frequently into your mail account for new mail.
It is possible using free mail alert. For this following account are require.
1 Gmail Account
2 Way2sms OR site2sms
You will get mail alert
on you mobile number which used to create account of way2sms Or site2sms.
Now do following step
to get free mail alert
- Log On to your way2sms account.Now in way2sms account click on MAIL ALERTS tab.
- You will find way2ams mail
address eg.1… Copy this
mail address.
- Now log on to your Gmail account.
- Click on Settings
click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
- Select radial button “Forward a copy of incoming mail to” and Enter your Way2SMS Email
ID there.
- Gmail
will send verification code to your way2sms mail.Enter confirmation code in Gmail Verification Box.
- Now click on INBOX tab on way2sms to check
your Gmail confirmation code Or You will receive Gmail confirmation
code on your mobile.
- Click on Verify.That's All. Now you will get sms alert for every incoming mail.