Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Prohibit Access to Drives From My Computer

To stop access to your Drive do following step.
  • First goto Run, then type gpedit.msc and click on Ok. It will open the Group Policy wizard.

  • Now select Windows Explorer In User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components.

  • Now in right side setting wizard click on Prohibit access to the drives from My Computer. A  new wizard shown. 

  • Suppose we want to prevent access to  C Drive. Select Enable radial button and select Restrict C Drive only from drop down list and Click on Apply and Ok.

  •  Now run command gpupdate

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Hide Local Drive Partition Using Command Prompt

Sometimes it's necessary to hide your HDD Partition for security reason. For this do following step.

  1. Press Windows Key + R to open Run.
  2. Now type cmd into run and click on OK to open Command Prompt.
  3. Command Prompt Windows appears. Type command diskpart and press Enter.
  4. Type list volume to list number of drive on your Computer.
  5. Suppose I want to hide disk partition G. For that i will type command selecet volume G into command prompt and press Enter Key.
  6. To hide drive G type command remove letter G and press Enter.
  7. After step 6 hard drive G will disappear form drive list as shown in below image.

 How to Un-Hide your Local Drive with Windows CMD

  1. Follow step 1-4 explained above, now select the volume which  hide by typing select volume G into the command prompt and then press Enter key.
  2. To do this type select volume 7 and press Enter. Now type assign letter G to make visible hidden drive G.